Connect ShipEngine Carriers with FreightDesk Online 2

Connect ShipEngine Carriers with FreightDesk Online:

FreightDesk provides multiple options to connect the ShipEngine Carriers to facilitate merchants to obtain USPS (, UPS and FedEx shipping rates. These options are listed below

Enable the proxy account for the rate comparison purposes in FreightDesk Online:

This option is useful for comparing shipping rates among multiple carriers without linking a specific carrier account. FreightDesk Online will use a proxy account to fetch general rates for comparison purposes.

Steps to Connect with FreightDesk Online:

1. Log in to your FreightDesk Online account.

2. Navigate to the "Carriers" section in the settings.

3. Click on the "Add Carrier" button.

4. Select the option "Enable the proxy account for rate comparison purposes", as the screenshot provided below

5. Enter a nickname for this carrier (e.g., "Rate Comparison Proxy").

6. Ensure the "Enable Carrier" status is selected to make the carrier active.

7. Click "Save" to complete the setup.

Now, you can use the proxy account for rate comparisons on the Order shipment preparation page.


Connect an existing ShipEngine account:

This option allows you to integrate an existing ShipEngine account with FreightDesk Online to access your personalized shipping rates and services.

Steps to Connect with FreightDesk Online:

  1. Log in to your FreightDesk account (
  2. Navigate to the Settings > Connections page.
  3. Click the "+ Add Carrier" button and select the "ShipEngine" badge available under the "Parcel and Postal Carriers" section.
  4. Select the "Connect an existing ShipEngine account" option, and enter the necessary information, including Nickname, ShipEngine Email, and ShipEngine Account API Key.

After filling these fields, you will click the "Save" button.

Upon submission, FreightDesk will validate the ShipEngine Account API Key. If the validation is successful, then the existing ShipEngine account will be saved.

Now, you will have a new section titled "Connected ShipEngine Accounts" will be displayed, as illustrated in the screenshot.

This section will only be visible if you have at least one Existing ShipEngine account linked to FreightDesk Online.

The ShipEngine Accounts created throught FreightDesk API transaction, the options to Edit or Delete are not available.

However, for Existing ShipEngine Accounts, you can find options to EditDelete, and Sync in the action’s dropdown menu. By selecting the "Sync" option, FreightDesk will import new carrier connections from your Existing ShipEngine Account.

It's important to note that during the connection process with your existing ShipEngine account, FreightDesk will also import all associated shipping providers (both ShipEngine Carriers and My Carrier Accounts) into your FreightDesk account automatically, which is visible in the screenshot below

Additionally, all carrier connections linked to your Existing ShipEngine Account will be tagged (For Example: Linked with [Nickname of Existing ShipEngine Account]) to help merchants easily differentiate between the various carrier connections and provide more visibility.


Enable my ShipEngine Carriers account:

To enable the ShipEngine Carriers, first you are required to enroll in the ShipEngine's discounted shipping rates program. Once enrolled, then you can enable the ShipEngine Carriers.

You will also get advantage of our partnership with ShipEngine to save up to 62% off UPS 2nd Day Air and 48% on UPS Ground. No minimum shipping volume is required and you will avoid certain surcharges typically added to the price of shipping. You'll also get a free account (a $17.99/month value) and access to USPS Commercial Plus pricing, the cheapest rates available for USPS services.

Steps to enroll the ShipEngine's discounted shipping rates program:

  1. Login to FreightDesk Online account.
  2. Navigate to the Settings > ShipEngine Carriers.
  3. Click the “Get a New ShipEngine Carriers account” button and fill the form with the required information.

After you submit the registration form, you'll be able to log into ShipEngine ( using the email address and password you entered on the form. Follow the instructions below to fund your account to gain access to the discounts available through ShipEngine Carriers.

ShipEngine includes access to USPS and UPS services automatically with your ShipEngine account. However, these services are disabled until you activate them by adding your billing information.

To set up the billing for ShipEngine Carriers:

1. Log in to your ShipEngine account (

2. Go to Connections and click Setup under “ShipEngine Carriers” section.

3. Enter your billing information into the available fields. Be sure to read and checkmark the terms and conditions option!

4. Click Next.

5. Click I Agree to agree to the UPS promotional rates and technology agreements.

Once activated, your ShipEngine carrier tiles will display your Carrier IDs. These IDs are unique to your ShipEngine account and are what you'll use to connect your ShipEngine Carrier to FreightDesk Online.

Your ShipEngine Carrier Balance will display to the right of the ShipEngine Carriers section.

This balance pays for carrier services, such as:

  • Purchasing shipping labels
  • Carrier-provided insurance

Your ShipEngine Carrier Balance does not apply to non-carrier charges, such as:

  • Third-party insurance
  • API usage charges

Add Funds to your ShipEngine Carrier Balance:

On the Connections page of your ShipEngine dashboard:

  1. Click the Add Funds link next to the Balance field and add the funds to utilize the services of the ShipEngine carriers.

Once you have possession of Carrier Ids under the ShipEngine Carriers. Then you can connect them with FreightDesk Online.

Steps to add ShipEgine Carriers in FreightDesk Online:

  1. Log in to your FreightDesk account (
  2. Navigate to the Settings > Connections page.
  3. Click the "+ Add Carrier" button and select the "ShipEngine" badge available under the "Parcel and Postal Carriers" section.
  4. Select the "Enable my ShipEngine Carriers account" option, and enter the necessary information, including Nickname, ShipEngine Carrier ID (copied from ShipEngine dashboard).
  5. Ensure the "Enable Carrier" status is selected to make the carrier active.
  6. Click the “Save" button to complete the connection.

FreightDesk Online is now linked to your ShipEngine Carriers, allowing you to manage shipping services easily.


Enable a My Carrier Account via ShipEngine:

This option is used to connect your carrier account that you have directly registered with ShipEngine. It allows FreightDesk Online to access and manage shipments with that carrier. This process involves two steps as given below

  1. Obtain ShipEngine Carrier ID:
    • Login to your ShipEngine account (
    • Navigate to the Connections and find the “My Carrier Accounts” section.
    • Copy the Carrier ID associated with the carrier that you need to connect with FreightDesk Online.
  2. Connect with FreightDesk Online:
    • Log in to your FreightDesk account (
    • Navigate to the Settings > Connections page.
    • Click the "+ Add Carrier" button and select the "ShipEngine" badge available under the "Parcel and Postal Carriers" section.
    • Select the "Enable a My Carrier Account " option, and enter the necessary information, including Nickname, ShipEngine Carrier ID (copied from ShipEngine dashboard).

  • Ensure the "Enable Carrier" status is selected to make the carrier active.
  • Click the “Save" button to complete the connection.

FreightDesk Online will now be connected to your custom carrier account, enabling shipment management and rate fetching.